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Product Details

Rose Quartz Zibu Symbol - Abhimantrit & Certified
₹ 799 ₹1799
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  • Dhwani Astro provides lab-certified and energized Rose Quartz Zibu Symbol. It combines rose quartz, switch words, and Zibu symbols known for their healing properties. These symbols are believed to balance the mind, body, and spirit. The Rose Quartz Switch Word and Zibu Symbol Cabochon merge these elements, creating a powerful healing tool usable in meditation, energy alignment, rituals, and manifestation.

    The Rose Quartz Zibu Symbol offers various benefits:

    1. Emotional Healing: Rose quartz fosters love and compassion, aiding emotional balance and heart chakra openness for well-being.
    2. Manifestation Aid: Switch words assist in manifesting positive change and attracting opportunities.
    3. Spiritual Growth: Zibu symbols bring harmony and are used in meditation or manifestation for transformation.
    4. Soothing Energy: Rose quartz reduces stress and anxiety, promoting calmness when carried or during meditation.
    5. Chakra Healing: Placing the cabochon on the heart chakra supports emotional well-being and healing.




    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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