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    There are 12 houses in the Horoscope, each house has its own importance. It is also known as bhava in the astrological term.


    1st house is called the Ascendant(Lagna) which has a huge importance in Life. Lagna is the self one’s overall personality, if it is weak then overall kundali becomes weak and one struggles in their life, and things become complex for them. One has to struggle a lot then only one gets success. 


    2nd house is called the “House of Wealth” The saving part of the income also it is also the house of communication, it should be good otherwise, one can’t do the saving of their earnings. 


    3rd house is just opposite the Destiny house, so it is called the House of Effort and Courage, here malefic planets give a great result.


    4th house is the House of overall Happiness, Mother and Property, if it is good then we prosper in all dese things. 


    5th house is called the House of Children, Entertainment, Love, and Education, it should be free from the malefic effects to prosper in all these things. 


    6th house is called the House of Debt, daily routine, enemy, and disease. 


    7th house is the House of Marriage and Partnership also of Masses, it has a huge importance in one’s life because if the marriage is not successful then it gives a hindrance to the person in his growth and success.


    8th house is called the House of Death and change also of common sense it should be good to prosper in all these things. 


    9th House is called the House of Destiny and Religion,  After Lagna, this is the most important house because one can do hard work but if his destiny doesn’t support he gets less success. 


    10th House is called the House of Occupation


    11th house is called the house of income


    12th house is called the house of expenses.