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  • Yuga Cycle: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, Kali Yuga

      23 May 2024 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    As for people in the West, the conception of linear time is more common; however, they consider the future to be superior to the past. The ideas of time are quite different in India, which is why it is believed that people gradually progress, then regress in their development, gradually advancing again.

    As for people in the West, the conception of linear time is more common; however, they consider the future to be superior to the past. The ideas of time are quite different in India, which is why it is believed that people gradually progress, then regress in their development, gradually advancing again. This is known as the “yuga cycle” and the big wheel of time proposed that it is completed in four varying “yugas” ages. Treta Yuga is said to be the next highest age from Satya Yuga, Dwapara Yuga is said to be the next higher age from Treta Yuga and the least evolved age in the world is said to be the Kali Yuga.

    The yugas are even further subdivided by whether they are active or passive yugas, which means whether they are rising yugas or falling yugas, whether you are at the part of the cycle that goes upward to the higher yugas, or whether you are on the down slope going to the lower yugas. The time it takes for the entire cycle is twenty-four thousand years. Yug, in simple terms, refers to an age of the earth and there are four such yugas namely Satya yuga, Treta yugs, Dwapar yugs, and Kaliyuga, or we can define yuga as the rules of the game of life for living beings given that there is yuga or union between heaven and earth during each yuga.

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    Satya yuga: The age of spirit

    This is a time that is referred to as an age where most people will be so sensitive in the spiritual realm that God himself is a reality that one can touch. We will get to realize the presence of God in all people and things around us. Thus, our intuition will penetrate to our last nexus, the last cell of our being, and we will live happy, natural lives. We will know the whole structure of the universe and be able to communicate with others even in the next second in another part of the world without using any instrument.

    This period is closely associated with myths of the ‘’Golden Age’’ in many nations. Some of the things that these myths share is:

    • Human beings are said to be demigods and the characters can fly and make objects using their powers.
    • The inhabitants stay young all their lives and do not develop any fatal illnesses.
    • Individuals can interact with animals and act in compliance with the laws of nature and human morality.
    • This weather is perfect and lots of food are available.
    • There is only one language through which everyone can communicate

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    Treta yuga: The age of thoughts

    However, as it belongs to Treta Yuga, people can still realize that everything in this world is interdependent. They let us develop other mental powers, for instance, airplane-like telekinesis, telepathy, and the power to materialize anything we need. Although there might be conflicts, these are not likely to be global; the largest portion of humanity is inherently good and kind. But that does not necessarily mean its technology level will be higher than that of Dwapara Yuga, no, it will be spiritually advanced. Since we are more advanced in some aspects of being spirit, if we are able but just choose to manifest everything that would be required by technology into our reality as we need it, then we can all leave technology behind and live a more basic and natural life.

    This is the case because the major distinguishing factor between the first minor yugas, Kali and Dwapara, and the two major yugas, Treta and Satya, is selfishness. This comes out clearly when one tries to make a comparison between the people of Kali and Dwapara Yuga.

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    Dwapara yuga: The age of energy  

    The period that we are living in at the moment is known as Dwapara Yuga, and this particular age is referred to as energy because, in this age, people are more advanced in their understanding and use of energy than in Kali Yuga. In this Dwapara Yuga, we are experiencing great development in the field of technology, and new religions, philosophies, and even scientific discoveries are appearing.

    This is the age when youths learn how to overcome time and space hurdles. Today we are already using the Telephone, the Internet, and faster communication and transport, and perhaps in the future, we may find the secret of the teleportation technique and may be able to travel through the stars. However, it is regrettable that we have still to go a long way about it. Based on Dvapara Yuga, people are self-centered; therefore, we work hard mostly for our gains.

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    Kali yuga: The age of materialism

    Hence according to Hindu cosmology, during Kali Yuga, human beings are in the lowest form of the developmental cycle, both physically and intellectually. It reflects a society where people can only understand the materiality of things and therefore remain in a state of duncedom. Self-control was severely lacking and you just went along with it all. 90% of every written material on the matter was lost for future knowledge of the ancients.

    The culture was more formal, thought, and proscribed. Nevertheless, some people studied higher religious lessons, but they had to do it in secret just for the reason that they were going to be punished. Of course, in each yuga, there are several souls in their consciousness the level of which indicates a more advanced age, and the last Kali Yuga of the world was no exception and many geniuses – philosophers – and artists. Towards the culmination of Kali Yuga which is reckoned to come to an end in 1700 AD, there was the renaissance and a lot of knowledge that had been lost was reclaimed.

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