Saturn, also called "Shani," is the second largest planet in the Solar System and the planet that moves slowly through space. But it has powerful effects on people and their kundalis.
Based on our jobs it has both good and bad effects on us. It is good luck in the 2nd, 7th, 3rd, 10th, or 11th House but bad luck in the 4th, 5th, or 8th House. Not only does it control life, death, money, a home, and children, but it also decides the outcome of a court case, a theft, an illness of the intestines, money, etc. So, the planet Saturn can do great things when things are going well, but it cannot be good when things aren't going well.
If a person has a good Saturn, they become a great scholar who can speak and write well. Saturn has the power to turn gold into ashes, but when it's good, it gives a lot of money. Saturn likes people who work in the trades of machinery, furnaces, leather, cement, wood, iron, oil, shipping, astrology, rubber, etc.
But if Saturn is bad, the person has to go through a lot of trouble in life. He might also be sick with stomach problems. There is a good chance he will also lose money or end up in jail. The Saturn Transit will also affect each of the 12 moon signs.
Saturn And Its Primary Effects
Taking into account all of Saturn's possible effects, here are some of the ways it can affect different yogas and combinations:
a)Since Saturn rules the 8th House, it will negatively affect any other House where it is placed.
b)Saturn's good effects canceled out by drinking, gambling, lying, or doing silly things.
c)When Saturn is near Rahu and Ketu, it loses its importance.
d)If Saturn comes under the Sun's influence, it isn't good for Venus.
e)If Venus is affecting Saturn, then the native may lose money. But on the other hand, if Venus is under the influence of Saturn, it could be good.
f)If Saturn is debilitated at birth and enters the debilitated Houses in the annual horoscope, it causes significant loss in the 9th, 18th, 27th, and 36th years of life.
g)Our experts say that Saturn's good effects usually start after the 36th year of a person's life.
h)When Saturn is by itself, when it is with the Moon, or when it is with Rahu in the 12th House of the Horoscope, bad things happen. Also, Venus is set if there is a friendly planet in the 2nd House and Mars is there. In this case, a person may be able to recover from a long illness and live a healthy life afterward.
i)Saturn never has weakening effects in the Houses of Saturn, the second, ninth, and twelfth houses. However, when Saturn is in the third or eighth house, the person is said to be Manglik. It hurts the Moon in the 4th House and causes an accident in the 8th House.
j)When Saturn is in the 9th House, and there is a friendly planet in the 2nd House, it has a lot of good effects.
k)When Saturn and the Moon conflict, a person may need eye surgery.
l)When the Sun and Venus face each other, money will be lost. Also, there is a chance that the wife will also have to suffer in such a situation.
m)Check your free Shani Sade Sati period using your birth date.
Remedies for Saturn's Negative Effects
As we've already discussed, Saturn's influence has both positive and negative parts. There are, however, several remedies that, if used, can counteract the bad effects of Saturn.
From the Red Book/Lal Kitab, here are some ways to fix the bad effects of Saturn in all the Houses. Also, you can learn more about the Saturn Transit's bad effects with our Saturn Transit Report. This will help you deal with problems in your business, finances, career, health, education, love and relationships, and other areas.
1st House: If Saturn is in your first house, the remedies below will help you avoid the bad effects of this planet:
a) Don't drink alcohol or eat non-vegetarian food.
b) If Surma is buried, it will help her get a job promotion.
c) Feeding monkeys may also bring good fortune.
d) If you give sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree, it will be good for your health and education.
2nd House: If Saturn is the second house's planet, then:
a) Going barefoot to a temple daily for 43 days could also be very beneficial.
b) Putting a tilak on the forehead made of curd or milk.
c) Giving milk to a snake.
3rd House: If Saturn's planet is in the 3rd house, then:
a) Feeding three dogs may help you get through Saturn's bad phase.
b) Giving away medicines for the eyes or giving away free ones.
c) Having a darkroom in the house could also be helpful.
4th House: To get rid of Saturn's bad effects when it is in the fourth house, do the following:
a) Offering milk to snakes and milk or rice to crows or buffalos may help you combat Saturn's negative influence.
b) Pouring milk into the well and (c) pouring rum into running water may also help.
5th House: Since Saturn is in the fifth house:
a) Distributing salty foods while celebrating your son's birthday may help you overcome Saturn's negative effects.
b) Giving almonds to a temple and keeping half of them at home will be helpful.
6th House: If the planet Saturn is in the sixth house, do the following:
a) Giving a black dog food.
b) Soaking coconut and almonds in running water.
c) Feeding snakes are good for children's health and safety.
7th House: If Saturn is in the seventh house for a person, then:
a) Bury a flute full of sugar in an empty place.
b) Feeding a black cow may help fight Saturn's negative qualities.
8th House: If Saturn is in the 8th house, then:
a) It will help to keep a square piece of silver.
b) Adding milk to bath water and sitting on a stone or wooden plank while taking a bath has also been helpful.
9th House: If Saturn is in the ninth house for a person, then:
a) It will help if you put rice or almonds in moving water.
b) Donating gold and Kesar for work related to Jupiter will also be helpful, as well as donating silver and clothes for work related to the Moon.
10th House: If Saturn's planet is in the tenth house, then:
a) Going to a temple will be helpful.
b) Staying away from meat, wine, and eggs will also work.
c) Providing food to ten visually impaired people could benefit you.
11th House: If Saturn is in the eleventh house, it will be helpful to do the following:
a) Before doing something important, put a bowl of water on the ground and pour a few drops of oil or wine into it every day for 43 days.
b) It will be worth it to stay away from alcohol and try to keep a good moral character.
12th House: If Saturn is in the 12th house, then:
Ganesha says that tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and putting them in an iron pot in a dark room will bring good luck.
As a result, following these remedies/solutions based on the house Saturn resides in will undoubtedly assist you in combating Saturn's negative effects.
For more details about Saturn and its effects, visit Dhwani Astro and reach out to India’s best astrologers for free. Recharge Re @1 and get Rs @100 talk time for free. What are you waiting for? Contact now.