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  • The Stone of Protection - Amethyst

      27 December 2023 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    Amethyst is a beautiful purple-colored stone known for its protective aura. Read more below to find out about Amethyst’s healing properties, benefits, uses and so much more!

    What is Amethyst?
    Amethyst is a purple-colored crystal and belongs to the quartz crystal family. It comes in a variety of shades in purple and violet. It aids in spiritual awakening as well as spiritual healing. It is a popular crystal. It has been used since 25,000 B.C. by Greeks, Romans, and even Egyptians for its many benefits. Amethyst is associated with the third-eye chakra and the crown chakra. It has also been used synonymously with spirituality. Amethyst is found across the globe, from Siberia to Brazil. The term ‘amethyst’ is derived from the Greek word ‘amethystos’ meaning “not intoxicated”. It was used in Greece to prevent falling while drunk, quite literal to its meaning. 

    Healing properties of Amethyst
    As mentioned above, Amethyst has been synonymously used with the term ‘spirituality’. It is closely associated with two chakras - the third-eye chakra and the crown chakra. Thus, it acts as a bridge between the physical and the metaphysical realms. It also acts as a bridge between the human mind and ‘God Consciousness’.  

    Even for the Greeks, when they wore Amethyst as a tool to help them not fall while drunk, Amethyst was metaphorically represented as a tool to help them not make clumsy decisions. It was a tool for mental clarity and contemplation.

    How to use Amethyst
    Some ways to use the Amethyst crystals are as follows:
    ➔    You can wear them on your body
    ➔    Do rituals with them
    ➔    Place it under your pillow while sleeping
    ➔    Decorate your home
    ➔    Place them at your altar
    ➔    Use them while meditating
    ➔    Add it to your beauty routine

    The Greek Story of Amethyst
    Greek mythology contains a story about Amethyst gaining the glassy purple rue it’s known for. It is believed that Bacchus (the God of intoxication) was enamored by a girl called Amethyste who did not reciprocate his affection. Scared of facing the wrath of Baccus, she prayed to heaven for help. Goddess Diana answered her by turning her into a white stone, symbolic of her desire to remain chaste. When Baccus found out about this, he cried tears at his foolishness and those tears gave the purple rue to the white stone Amethyste turned into. This is how Amethyst Stone gained the glassy purple rue it is known for. 

    Set Protection Intentions with Amethyst
    Here are a few steps to help you set love intentions with your crystal:
        Light an incense or a candle.
        Sit in the space and ground yourself.
        Place the crystal in front of you.
        Say your affirmation out loud. For example - “I let go of all negative energy from my auric field and welcome in goodness and positivity in the highest good of all. I am always divinely protected. Amen.”
        Keep your crystal on your third eye.
        Say, thank you.

    This was an easy way to set a loving, positive intention with your Amethyst crystal.

    Benefits of Amethyst
    There are many benefits of the Amethyst crystal, ranging from spiritual to emotional to physical. Find out its benefits here:
    ●    Heals migraines
    ●    Helps with deep sleep
    ●    Boosts immunity
    ●    Helps you connect with your intuition
    ●    Awakens the third-eye and the crown chakra
    ●    Protects against harmful vibrations and psychic attacks
    ●    Gives mental clarity
    ●    Helps with strategic decision-making
    ●    Balances emotions
    ●    Gives courage 
    ●    Calms mind down

    Where To Buy Amethyst
    Any trusted place is good for beginners to buy Amethyst from. In Dhwani Astro shop, you get many options at amazing prices. The list of the products is below:
    1.    Amethyst Bracelet
    2.    Amethyst Heart Pendant 
    3.    Amethyst Tumble Stone
    4.    Amethyst Pencil Pendant
    5.    Amethyst For Students

    Shop them here:
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