It is impossible to explain Bhrigu or Nandi Nadi in one blog but for those who are familiar with astrology, we can provide them basics and highlights of the method.
The simplest way of representing this for explanation as per Bhrigu or Nandi Nadi is through a direction chart. There are 12 zodiac signs which are divided in directions as given below:
- East: - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
- South: - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
- West: - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
- North: - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
All planets concerned with a direction are mentioned. These are mentioned in the ascending order of their degrees. This means if we take
North signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) then:
At 00:54 degrees, the sun is the least. Mercury is at 10:31 degrees, followed by Jupiter at 7:51 degrees and Rahu at 5:01 degrees. Thus, the sun, Rahu, Jupiter, and mercury shall be written in that order. Retrogression in Nedi shows the direction of the approach. If any planet is managed from a lower degree to a higher degree, then the sun and Jupiter move towards the 30th degree. Anything that is retreating moves towards the lower degree. Rahu and mercury move from the 5th degree to the 0th degree.
The figure below serves as a straightforward illustration of this:
Planets in the same direction are cooperative, regardless of their signs, aspects, etc. opposite direction features each other. North features south, and east features west. When two planets are proceeding towards each other, their conjunction is stronger and when they are separating, they become weaker.
For example:
Jupiter and Rahu are getting farther apart. Rahu is traveling from Mercury to the Sun and Jupiter to Mercury. Due to the differences in their approach and sign, their conjunction is the weakest.
Sun and Rahu are getting close to each other. Sun will travel towards Rahu, while Rahu will travel towards the sun. Their conjunction is strong, despite being in different signs. Sun and Jupiter are moving in the same direction. The sun travels behind Jupiter but the sun is faster in motion as compared to Jupiter. Which means that the sun will overtake Jupiter. In other words, as time passes, the Sun and Jupiter's distance from one another decreases. Sun-Jupiter will therefore likewise form a powerful conjunction.
Both Jupiter and Mercury are traveling in the direction of each other. The strongest combination is theirs.
Conjunction results are in order, that’s why they cannot break the chain. Which means the sun and mercury are conjunct under the influence of Jupiter and Rahu. Sun is not able to influence mercury without influencing Rahu and Jupiter as well. This is to say, the sun’s (prestige) influence on mercury (education) will go through Rahu (failure) and Jupiter (eventual success). The interpretation says that education improves after setbacks in education. Education will become good but after failures and struggles.
Venus cannot influence the moon without influencing Mars. So, when the one partner's wife (Venus) of the person will be gentle and soft-spoken (moon) her anger will be explosive (moon). All results are attained through global significations, and order of conjunction aspect.
For example:
The parent (father) of the person will be highly educated (sun+ Jupiter+ mercury) and if the father has some irreparable health issues (Rahu approaching the sun) the mind will be prone to negativity and restlessness (mars and Saturn’s influence on the moon).
The person will be educated by a very great institution (influence of Jupiter and the sun on mercury). The timing of events is done by taking the karakas, Jupiter as the Jeeya- karaka for all life, mercury for education, Saturn for career, Venus for wife, etc., and moving them one year per sign to make a prediction.
For example:
Mercury: - The next three signs from it, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius have Saturn, Katy, and Mars respectively. All evils are next to Mars's moon. The first three years of education will be full of struggles and hard work and then when the institute changes the person will start performing well.
Saturn: - The person will either get fired or quit the job within a year of his joining, struggle to get the new job, and then have a good career from the 4th year only.
Jupiter: - The person’s childhood would be stressful and not very happy. Primarily due to maladies with diseases. After one cycle of 12 signs, starting in the 13th year, life will get better following the death of a family member. There would be an accident after 24 years. From the 36th year onwards life will become much better.
In similar ways, signs are also considered in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. The signs of quality also get added in the conjunction. But it’ll make the concept difficult to understand. Just add the sign qualities to the conjunction, and all results remain the same.