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  • Auspicious Muhrat for Digging Tubewell

      15 November 2022 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    Digging Tubewell is the most important thing considered in the Vastu Shastra, it should be done in the most auspicious muhrat.These all listed below criteria should be checked for doing this:-

    According to Hindu religious lord Varun is the god of water. We receive water by his liberality. You might see that digging tubewell sometimes water doesn’t come through it in very small quantity. This is the reason why tubewell is rooted out and re-established. Sometimes ponds do not have water or water might be bitter, thus it is not suitable for drinking purposes.

    So, astrology provides muhurta for digging tubewell to avoid this situation. Digging Tubewell is the most important thing considered in the Vastu Shastra, it should be done in the most auspicious muhrat. These all listed below criteria should be checked for doing this: -

    Nakshatra: - Uttaraphalguni, Uttaraashada, Uttarabhadrapada, Rohini, Adomukhi Nakshatra- Moola, Ashlesha, Vishakha, Krittika, Poorva Phalguni, Poorvaashadha, Poorvabhadrapada, Bharani and Magha Nakshatras are the most favorable nakshtras. All these nakshatras are descending looking and favorable for digging up for water.

    Strong Ascendant: - The most important starting point is ascendant. This is a good muhurat for a job like a tubewell. This is very important to ensure that there are no issues. Astrology says that the role of the ascendant is a must for deciding the muhurat for digging a tubewell. Taking care of the ascendant will remove many doshas which are going to give proper results.

    The day when digging tubewell is begin should have a strong ascendant. It is considered good muhurta if mercury and Jupiter are placed as the ascendant, Venus in the 10th house or the moon in either Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio. Moon start placed in a water sign is good for such activities.

    Lunar Day: - Except Ritika tithi 4th, 9th and 14th lunar days. All lunar days are shubh for tubewell digging. A native carries a digging job on any of the lunar days, this will lead to positive outcomes.

    Yoga: - Yoga is another important component of muhurat after tithi or vaar. It is the sum of the longitude of the moon and the sun divided by 13.20. there is 27 Yogas, 2 are destructive, these are Vyatipata and Vaidhriti. These 2 are not considered as muhurta. Other than this there are Yogas which are partially destructive and even then, they are not considered as muhurat. These are Vishkhumba, Vajra, Parigha, Ganda, Ati- Ganda, Vyaghat, Shoola. All these are partially destructive so avoid them while doing auspicious activities like digging tubewells.

    Karan: - one of the 5 parts of panchang is Karana. It is tithi and plays an important role in the discovery of the muhurat. There are 11 karanas. 4 are fixed and 7 are moveable. Gar Karana is 9th and suitable for digging for water. Vishti Karana has a fault attached when it comes together with Bhadra tithi. All auspicious works are prohibited in this Karana.

    Panchang with some Yogas are formed that are auspicious to undertake any type of activities. These auspicious yogas are Sidha Yoga, Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga, and Amrit Siddhi Yoga.

    On the other hand, inauspicious Yogas are Mrityu Yoga, Samvartaka Yoga, Vish Yoga, Dagadha Yoga, Dwipushkar Yoga, Tripushkar Yoga and Yamgantaka Yoga. the names themselves suggest that these are destructive Yogas.

    While considering these all we can get the most auspicious time for digging the tubewell or well.

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