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  • 7-Day Colorful Candle Ritual: Manifest Your Desires

      02 September 2024 •  By : Suman Ghosh  Comments
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    Do you experience 7-day colorful candle rituals during your spiritual practices? If not, then you need to know about candle therapy, which makes a serene ambiance. You might notice therapists use candles during meditation, but this is slightly different.

    7-color candle prayer is a spiritual practice, people use it to re-energize their space. Each color holds significance in fulfilling an individual’s manifestation. Therefore, it is used to purify the mind, body, and spirit by connecting with intentions.

    So, do you want to know how to use colorful candles to make your spiritual journey more calming? Let’s explore.

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    7 Day Candle: Meaning

    Since ancient times, fire has been used to let go of negative energies and has the power of spiritual and mental transformation. Therefore, it will work in both ways and thus, it is used to manifest your desires. The 7-day colorful candle ritual is a way to focus on everything you want to manifest. This is a way to make your space energized and improve your spiritual experiences.

    So, burning a colorful candle is a way to change the physical world into the spiritual world. Through this practice, you will take yourself spiritual world, connecting with your instincts. This will allow you to recall all the thoughts and emotions you have been feeling.

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    How to perform 7 color candle prayers?

    The major steps on how you will perform the 7-day colorful candle ritual. With the help of this instruction, you will perform this candle prayer at home for yourself.

    1. Select 7 color candles that relate to your instincts and desires.
    2. Then select a quiet and peaceful place to perform the rituals. Ensure the place where you are performing is comfortable.
    3. Select 7 days based on your schedule, as it is important not to miss any days. You should complete the prayers for a regular 7-day period without skipping any days.
    4. Start by choosing 1 color candle for a day according to spiritual preferences.
    5. Continue this for 7 days using 7 different color candles. So that is how your 7 colorful candle prayers will be completed.

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    7-day colorful candle rituals: Exploring spiritual significances

    Coming to the most important part, 7 candle colors and their meaning. We are going to take you to a 7-day colorful candle ritual and its symbols, benefits, and affirmations.

    1. Monday: Red

    Symbol: Love and Passion

    The red color candle is related to love, affection, and emotions. So you will use a red color candle to manifest for your partner who you want to back in your life.

    Affirmation: May I have a fulfilling relationship

    1. Tuesday: Orange

    Symbol: Hope and fulfillment

    Orange color represents hope and faith that the universe revolves around. It is a color to meet your unfulfilled wishes that you have been dreaming of.

    Affirmation: May everything that belongs to me will effortlessly come my way.

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    1. Wednesday: Yellow

    Symbol: Knowledge and wisdom

    Yellow candle is the best way to attract wisdom, joy, and optimism. The color related to the sun, brings a sense of mental peace and a positive mindset.

    Affirmation: I trust my inner wisdom and all nu desires are achievable.

    1. Thursday: Green

    Symbol: Finance and harmony

    The green color helps focus on financial stability and maintaining harmony in all aspects of life, promoting harmony and peace.

    Affirmation: may wealth and abundance will flow towards me.

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    1. Friday: Blue

    Symbol: healing and spirituality

    The blue color is the best choice for your healing journey, both mentally and physically. It will help you to heal wounds and bring peace of mind.

    Affirmation: I am free from all emotional hurdles.

    1. Saturday: Indigo

    Symbol: Instincts and balance

    Indigo color will help you listen to your instincts and find balance in whatever you do. It connects you with your instincts and sets you free from your negative thoughts.

    Affirmation: I trust the process and have faith in my abilities

    1. Sunday: White

    Symbol: Peace and serenity

    White candles will help you to achieve peace, harmony, purity, and calmness. It reduces the burdens in your mind and brings a sense of relaxation and peace. So, you will be free from negative thoughts and emotions.

    Affirmation: I have the power to let go of negative thoughts.

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