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  • 5 Spiritual Reasons to Believe in God

      06 January 2024 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    There have been and continue to be endless conversations discussing the presence of God in and around us. If you are a spiritual seeker or an atheistic explorer, we have this blog for you to ponder upon popular astrological reasons why and how God exists. Read more below.


    Since time immemorial, communities across the globe have talked abundantly about the presence of either a God or a God-like authority figure in the form of a religion. It is one of the major reasons to believe in God because, beyond human time and space, we have - as a civilization, constructed and developed this idea of God and religion. Where there is a human, there is God. Thus, God as an idea exists out of fear and love. This is the inevitability of faith.


    Life is too beautiful to not have a creator (God). Each one of us, human or animal or plant has experienced countless miracles every day starting from the act of our birth and up until our deaths. There are so many reports of transformative spiritual experiences people have had centuries ago and even now that God has to exist. Even the planting of a seed and seeing it turn into a tree is a miracle in itself. And an extraordinary being like God can make it possible.


    Arguably, human civilization as a whole has had an innate sense of right and wrong, of good and bad, and of light and dark. Each one of us has been acting and making laws based on this intrinsic sense of what is right and what is wrong. Many believers argue that there is a divine source of morality and that something greater than ourselves exists for this to be present in all of us. The undeniable moral structure of all things around us makes life morally contoured. It can also be referred to as the law of karma that has famously been adopted by our conscience, almost without any exception. Good brings good and bad leads to bad. Even as a policy of fear-based faith, there is an overall acceptance amongst humans of God or God-like authority.


    From the smallest particles to the vastest galaxies, there seems to be an order present all around us. Our universe can be concluded as an intricate design functioning in a divine way. This precision points us towards the possibility of a higher intelligence. No ordinary existing thing could have created itself in this intricate, complex yet beautiful way. There needs to be something beyond our understanding of life that has brought us all together. More than that, everything in the universe has a particular way of working that is seen over and over. Everything seems to be a microcosm of the universe, including humans.


    There have been reported spiritual happenings that individuals have talked about for ages. Through meditation, prayer, or simple moments of wonder, all these encounters point us towards a common point of endless abundance, where we have all birthed from. Thus, personal experiences that people have had a valid proof that something greater than us existing is real. Prayer always works. Whoever has prayed has received an answer, be it a sign or a simple synchronicity. Whoever has ever asked for a sign from God has received it in the smallest details of life. When we tune ourselves to these spiritual signs and synchronicities, we end up seeing more of them. God exists enough to send us our answers.


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