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  • Ascendant


    Ascendant is regarded as the soul of the kundali,  the sign rising over the eastern horizon at the time of your Birth is called the Ascendant, for this reason it is also called the Rising Sign. It  let us know about the Overall Personality of the person like his nature, taste, way of thinking, his approach of life , his health, his appearance and all other important spheres of life. All signs in the Ascendant are having it’s own importance. Any planets if occupy the Ascendant also called the 1st house of the kundali mostly gives the good result and has it’s impact on the Personality of the Person. Here take one example Suppose that a person has Sun and Mars in the 1st house then his nature will be aggressive, dominating, impulsive and will have always a headache as Both the Planets are of Fiery nature, whereas suppose someone has mercury and venus placed in the 1st house then his nature will be very sweet and understanding  and creativity will be on the top level out of box thinking, he will be very logical and having a pleasant personality. Ascendant and it’s Lord shoud be strong in the  horoscope to get good results in the kundali.